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Connecting Your Direct Deposit
Updated over 12 months ago

You have the option to route your direct deposit to your Currence account. Setting up direct deposit, government benefits, or pension payments to your Currence Reservoir account is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through it:

  1. Access Control Panel: Begin by opening your Currence mobile app and entering the Control Panel.

  2. Navigate to "My Cash Flow Structure": Within the Control Panel, find and select "My Cash Flow Structure" from the options provided.

  3. Choose "Direct Deposit": Click on "Direct Deposit."

  4. Add a New Direct Deposit: To add a new direct deposit, you have two options:

    • Automated Setup via Atomic: You can opt for an automated setup through Atomic. Currence utilizes Atomic to seamlessly connect your Currence account to your payroll provider. Search for your payroll provider and follow the prompts.

    • Manual Setup: Alternatively, you can choose to set up direct deposit manually. This typically involves providing your employer, HR department, or payroll provider with a bank verification letter from Currence. They will then make the necessary adjustments to route your payments to your Currence Reservoir. You can retrieve your bank verification from within your Profile.

By following these steps, you can easily set up your direct deposit, government benefits, or pension payments to be deposited directly into your Currence account, providing you with added convenience and control over your finances.

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